Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU

Topic: Beginnings of Czech literature (4 records)

Cyril and Methodius

Brothers from Thessalonica who created the first Slavonic script, the Glagolitic alphabet, and made Old Church Slavonic a liturgical language, used in the previously exclusively Latin service. Thus they created the foundations of Slavonic literacy and culture. They are patron saints of Moravia.

Czech Chronicle

The oldest Czech chronicle. Its original text was written in Latin by Cosmas, dean of Saint Vitus Chapter in Prague, probably between 1119 and 1125.

Christian’s legend

Latin document about the beginnings of Christianity and the first Czech saints. It is one of the most important sources of information about the early Bohemian state.

Chronicle of Dalimil

The oldest versified chronicle written in Czech. Its content is very patriotic.

Displaying 1 - 4 records
records out of 4

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