Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU

Topic: Film quotes (4 records)

Coffee from the Jew

A quote from the play Maryša by the Mrštík brothers.

Film quotes

Quotes from well-known films used as humorous comments or opinions in real life situations. They are an integral part of Czech linguistic heritage and form a special category og contemporary Czech phraseology.

Neřeš to!

A favourite Czech phrase that gained popularity in the film The Buttoners (Knoflíkáři), advising against spending too much time dealing with a complicated situation. The verb řešit is also popular for its semantic indefiniteness.

Those were the days of games!... And blackberries!...

A quote from the French play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand.

Displaying 1 - 4 records
records out of 4

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