Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU

Topic: Rituals (5 records)

Panel housing estates

One of the most typical forms of residential architecture in socialist Czechoslovakia (1948–1989). More than one quarter of the population of the Czech Republic still live in panel housing estates.

Pig slaughter

Ritual killing of domestic pig in the Czech countryside.


The first Czech gymnastics organisation active in Bohemia and Moravia and, owing to Czech immigrants and the Sokol mission, all over Europe and in North America. As a part of Czech culture, the movement had a nation-building significance and became a part of the Czech identity.

Uniform gym suit

Unified outfit for physical education lessons. In socialism, it consisted of a white t-shirt, shorts whose colour depended on the sex and sports shoes – the so-called Jarmilky and Toníky.

Displaying 1 - 5 records
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