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Topic: Literature (169 records)


Comic magazine in the form of a yearly review. It has been published regularly since 2000 and it has partly unified the Czech comics scene.


Biweekly magazine for youth, published since 1957. It focuses primarily on popularizing scientific and technical phenomena, but also contains drawn comic series.

Daniel Adam from Veleslavín

Prominent organiser of Czech literary and cultural life. The production of the Veleslavín press represents one of the pinnacles of Czech humanistic typography.

Albatros publishing company

The largest and oldest Czech publishing company that publishes books for children and youth. It is now a part of Albatros Media, Plc.

Jakub Arbes

Writer and journalist, known especially as the author and founder of the specific literary genre called “romaneto”. In his works, he dealt primarily with social and political issues.

Bohuslav Balbín

Historian, versatile writer, theoretician of the humanities, teacher and priest. His encyclopaedia and Apology for the Slavic and Especially Czech Language (Dissertatio apologetica pro lingua Slavonica, praecipue Bohemica) marked the beginning of the reform of the political and social consequences of the Battle of White Mountain.

Eduard Bass

Journalist and writer from the Lidové noviny school of journalism, author of song lyrics, short prose and one-act plays. An important representative of Czech literary cabaret.

Bautzen Manuscript

A 15th-century collection of polemic texts aimed at Sigismund of Luxembourg, named after the city of Bautzen in Germany, where the manuscript was found.

Petr Bezruč

Poet and author of a single book of poems, Silesian Poems (Slezské písně), in which he defends the inhabitants of Silesia.

Konstantin Biebl

Poet and prose writer who began by writing proletarian poetry. He went through Poetism and a short period of Surrealism, and was an excellent poet in both.

Jan Blahoslav

Poet, translator, historian, grammarian and theoretician of music. Priest and bishop of the Unity of the Brethren and a prominent representative of Czech humanism.

Bohuslav Hasištejnský of Lobkovice

Poet and prose writer, one of the main representatives of humanist literature in the Jagiellonian era. He was admired by his colleagues both at home and abroad. He was one of the first Czechs to read Latin and Greek classics in the original and he travelled in almost all the lands of classical antiquity.

Egon Bondy

Poet, prose writer, dramatist, philosopher and an influential figure of Czech underground. His verses were set to music by the band Plastic People of the Universe.

Karel Havlíček Borovský

Poet, journalist, politician and author or epigrams, founder of Czech journalism and literary criticism. He was highly respected by his contemporaries. His work is not extensive, but still important in spite of its apparent one-sidedness.

Zuzana Brabcová

Czech writer, author of the first lesbian novel in Czech literature The Year of Pearls (Rok perel).

Otokar Březina

Poet and writer, a significant representative of Czech Symbolism. His works influenced the development of Czech poetry in the 20th century.

John Amos Comenius

A pioneer in pedagogy, a great figure of the Czech protestant literary baroque and the last bishop of the Unity of the Brethren. He is considered the founder of modern pedagogy and called “the teacher of nations”.

Cyril and Methodius

Brothers from Thessalonica who created the first Slavonic script, the Glagolitic alphabet, and made Old Church Slavonic a liturgical language, used in the previously exclusively Latin service. Thus they created the foundations of Slavonic literacy and culture. They are patron saints of Moravia.

Czech Chronicle

The oldest Czech chronicle. Its original text was written in Latin by Cosmas, dean of Saint Vitus Chapter in Prague, probably between 1119 and 1125.

Czech modern LGBTQIA+ literature

Czech literature written by members of the LGBTQIA+ community, or literature focusing on the community’s problems. Most such texts were written after 1989.

Displaying 1 - 20 records
records out of 169

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