Celebrations of the end of the harvest season, whose expressions were used for emphasising the folk element at state events.
A Christian holiday celebrated on 6 January, which marks the end of the Christmas holiday season. On this day, three carol singers dressed as the Biblical Three Magi may be seen.
A song connected with Christmas door-to-door visits, during which carollers wish households success and are in return rewarded with food or money, or the custom connected with visiting families, usually on Christmas and Easter.
A Christmas decoration consisting of a natural or artificial evergreen tree. It became popular in the Czech lands as early as the 19th century as the focal point of Christmas customs, a symbol of Christmas.
Festivities of the pre-Christian type, organised at the end of winter, before the Christian Lent. They feature a masked carnival.
Representation of the Biblical place where Jesus Christ was born, used as a decoration in households and places in towns and cities during the period of Advent and Christmas.
Characteristic jingles in many Czech railway stations. They are based on folk songs or compositions by famous Czech and international composers. They are a unique Czech tradition.
One of a few still widely celebrated feasts in the Czech Republic. It is a feast during which a person may meet characters dressed as Bishop Nicholas, the devil and angel, even in large cities. They visit small children and either reward them or punish, according to their behaviour during the year.
Regular safety test of the public warning system taking place on the first Wednesday of every month all over the Czech Republic. There are groups of faithful listeners of the test of sirens and the tests also serve as background for short music concerts.
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