Language: CZ | Simple Czech | EN | RU


A female creature that appears in folk stories. Nowadays, the term is associated with an attractive and fragile female character and is figuratively used for people as well (i.e. women and girls).

Detailed information

In folk literature, the term fairy (víla) is typical of South and East Slavonic cultures, although in East Slavs the term “rusalka” has become more prevalent. In the late 19th century, the term was used in Slovak folklore, although it had probably been originally known in the Czech language as a term for a fool or a clown. From the 19th century, the term began appearing in Czech folk literature as well, especially in stories in which it is used interchangeably with the wild woman, or it appeared as a result of literary influences on folklore.

She lives nature, she is usually associated with meadows or glades, where she dances. She appears as a beautiful, eternally young woman, sometimes described as pale, even transparent, frail and light, elsewhere her long loose red or golden hair is emphasised, which can be the source of her force and life. She usually has a pleasant and sweet voice, sometimes she can have wings as well. Her beauty captivates the man and after their marriage she is a good wife and a diligent housewife, however, similarly to Melusine, she must not be reminded of her origins, otherwise she can disappear, although she secretly looks after children, who are endowed with a good memory and intelligence.

The fairy’s charms are connected with her natural basis; she can allegedly turn into a forest animal, whom she controls as a rider, and she can help a man who treats her well. If somebody greets her politely or behaves generously towards her, they are rewarded. If somebody becomes a sister to her, the fairy protects her.

In modern Czech, the word “fairy” is frequently used as a term for a beautiful creature from children’s books and films, e.g. in Fairy Amalka (Říkání o víle Amálce, 1975), although characters from literary stories of foreign origin are also called fairies. A beautiful, fragile-looking girl may be called a fairy.

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