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Topic: Famous figures of Czech fashion (5 records)

Arnoštka Roubíčková Couture House

Fashion house of the era of First Republic, opened in 1909 and closed in 1943. It was founded by Arnoštka Roubíčková and during the period of Art Deco it was one of the foremost fashion houses in Prague. Costumes in the film Ecstasy (Extase) have been attributed to it.

Zika and Lída Ascher

Husband and wife whose revolutionary textile prints significantly influenced British and French fashion of the second half of the 20th century. They collaborated with such artists as Henri Matisse and Henry Moore.

Hanna Podolská Couture House

Probably the most famous fashion salon of the First Republic (1907–1948), owned by the designer Hanna Podolská, and a symbol of Czechoslovak fashion of the first half of the 20th century. Its customers included the first lady Hana Benešová, Barrrandov film stars, etc.

Tereza Maxová

Foremost Czech model of international renown, philanthropist, founder of children’s charity organisation Tereza Maxová Foundation.

Rosenbaum Couture House

One of the most luxurious haute couture companies of the first half of the 20th century on the territory of modern day Czech Republic, owned by Oldřich Rosenbaum.

Displaying 1 - 5 records
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