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Topic: Hobby (34 records)


A collection of dry plants stored on a sheet of paper and accompanied by a label and description. Herbaria are a common part of biology classes in schools and in the past they were a popular gift. Nowadays they are used only by collectors.

Kladruber Horse

The only Czech national horse breed whose origins date from the early modern era. It is a tall, strong horse of impressive appearance. In 2002 it was declared a national cultural monument, which makes him the only living creature subject to monument protection.

Model building

A hobby, as well as a professional activity, of creating smaller objects on a certain scale based on the original object. As a hobby, it can be regarded as a sport. In the Czech Republic, amateur model building of aircraft and ships is traditional, as well as plastic model building.

Mushroom picking

Favourite traditional pastime. Mushrooms are looked for, collected, prepared for cooking, primarily for enjoyment and relaxation, never out of necessity for ensuring sustenance, although they represent a welcome diversification of Czech menu. Mushroom picking is usually a planned and goal-oriented activity, in which people equipped with baskets and other utensils go to a forest and search it very thoroughly.


Collecting matchbox labels, especially popular after the Second World War. Its tradition in the Czech lands dates from the 1830s, i.e. it appeared before interest in postage stamps. Czech matchbox labels have the advantage of being very diverse.

Prague Ratter

Czech national dog breed, formerly known as ratlík. It has been a beloved breed in the Czech Republic through history and has appeared in several films. It is popular because of its small size and its good relationship with children.

Prague Zoo

The largest zoo in the Czech Republic. It opened in 1931 and is now home to approximately 5,400 animals and almost 700 animal species. It has more than 150 exhibitions and 13 pavilions. According to commercial and professional statistics, it is one of the best zoos in the world.

Second-home owning (chataření and chalupaření)

Second-home owning (chataření and chalupaření) is a traditional recreational activity. The difference between the two is in the nature of the second home (a cottage or a second house) and in their different histories.


The first Czech gymnastics organisation active in Bohemia and Moravia and, owing to Czech immigrants and the Sokol mission, all over Europe and in North America. As a part of Czech culture, the movement had a nation-building significance and became a part of the Czech identity.


A regular customer, especially of a pub. He/she is well-known to the staff, who may grant him/her certain privileges, such as respecting his/her habits. If the štamgast’s loyalty to the pub is long, he/she in a way becomes a part of the local culture.

Šumava chicken

Traditional Czech breed of chicken whose history began in 1946. They are a very resilient breed suitable for breeding in difficult conditions. An independent breeders’ club has existed since 2011.

Šumava Sheep

A Czech sheep breed genetically based on the traditional Czech sheep. It is characterised by wool with a silver sheen and by good grazing characteristics. It is a breed used for three purposes: meat, milk and wool.

Tourism (hiking)

Planned individual or group travel, done in one’s free time as recreation, sport or for the purpose of learning about a particular area, or any combination of these motivations. The travel is usually short, not exceeding a single day.

Train spotter (šotouš)

Originally a derogative term for a person who is very interested in public transportation, especially railways. They like to spend their free time around railways or other public transportation facilities, which they photograph or document in some other way.

Displaying 21 - 34 records
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