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Topic: Magazines (6 records)


Biweekly magazine for youth, published since 1957. It focuses primarily on popularizing scientific and technical phenomena, but also contains drawn comic series.


Specialized comic magazine based on the eponymous series of four animal protagonists. It has the longest publication history and is intended for children aged 6 to 13.

Koule (magazine)

One of the first Czechoslovak comic magazines intended for older children and youth. It was published between 1926 and 1928 on newspaper paper with comics and comic series.

Malý zpravodaj

Czechoslovak comic journal. It was published between 1930 and 1934.

Mladý hlasatel

Weekly magazine primarily aimed at young readers. It was published by the publishing company Melantrich from 1935 until 1941.


Children’s comic magazine, published from 1935 to 1942 in Prague as entertainment literature with written adventure stories. It was the first to publish the best hand-coloured photographs by its readers.

Displaying 1 - 6 records
records out of 6

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