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Metro M1 trains

Metro M1 trains

Metro trains delivered between 1998 and 2011. They were produced by the company ČKD Transportation Systems and the foreign manufacturers Siemens, AEG and SGP. They are the first brand new metro trains produced directly for Prague metro. They are currently in service on Line C.

Detailed information

Metro trains M1 are five-unit electric trains developed specifically for the needs of Prague metro. Their creation in the 1990s was motivated by the need to rejuvenate and expand its rolling stock. In the early 1990s, Prague metro used only the original and already dated Russian trains Ečs (in service 1974–1997) and 81-71 (in service 1978–2009). Orders for new Russian trains were stopped immediately after 1990, as a result of the change of the political and economic orientation of Czechoslovakia. The last Russian train arrived in Prague in December 1990 and entered service in 1991.

In the first half of the 1990s, however, two main factors had to be taken into account. Prague metro was continually expanding, e.g. Line B was extended to Karlína in 1990 and in 1994 in the other direction, to Zličín, while other news parts were either planned or already under construction. Also, the oldest Russian trains were approaching the end of their lifecycle. Due to line extensions, it was also necessary to introduce more trains. Reconstruction of the old trains would not increase their number, therefore the production of new ones was planned. The Prague Public Transit Company contacted ČKD Tatra, which had had experience with the development of metro prototype R1 in the 1970s, which unfortunately never made it to Prague’s underground. In 1995, after concluding a contract with the Prague Public Transit Company, ČKD and its partners Siemens, AEG and SGP got a new task and the first modern metro train M1 left depot Kačerov, on Line C, in 1998. The trains began operating in 2000 and passengers on Line C are now served exclusively by these trains.

At the time, metro trains M1 brought passengers a number of novelties, e.g. fans in cars, and were superior to their predecessors not only technologically, but also aesthetically. They were designed by Patrik Kotas, a well-known architect of transportation buildings and designer of public transportation systems. Although the oldest M1 trains have been in service for more than 20 years, they still meet high safety and comfort criteria. There are 53 five-unit M1 trains and they are expected to remain in service for many years to come.

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