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Topic: Puppet theatre (4 records)

Matěj Kopecký

The most famous Czech puppeteer. At the beginning of the 21st century, the eight generation of the Kopecký family is devoted to puppet theatre.

František Langer

Dramatist and prose writer of the so-called Čapek generation. Unlike the other author of the Avant-Garde period, he adhered to realism in his plays and dealt with existentialist and moral questions of human life.

Puppet theatre

Traditional Czech form of theatre. Its beginnings date from the 17th century. Czech puppetry was inscribed on the list of intangible heritage by UNESCO.

Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre

One of the most important Czech puppet theatres. It features the iconic Spejbl and Hurvínek puppets, created in the 1920s by Josef Skupa.

Displaying 1 - 4 records
records out of 4

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