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Portable electric oven that heats from above. It has a long history. It was and still is a part of virtually very Czech family.

Detailed information

Remoska is a small, portable electric pot or pan. It has been one of the most popular Czech inventions since the 1950s and it was trademarked on 21 July 1964. Almost three million appliances were produced by 1991.

The first Remoska was manufactured in the early 1950s in Oldřich Homut’s workshop and its mass production began in 1957 in Kostelec nad Černými Lesy. It was named after the local company REMOS, which became the owner of Homut’s workshop. The pot consists of three parts: the removable lid that heats it, the pot itself and the rack. It also has a handle, a rest and valves, which let the steam out. It is interesting that Remoska does not have any buttons for regulating heat nor programmes. There is only the ON/OFF button – it is enough to know how long a dish needs to be prepared.

Remoska has gone through several modifications in the last five decades, but it has not lost its simplicity. Its production moved to Frenštát pod Radhoštěm in 1994. In 2001, Remoska appeared on the English market, where 17 thousand appliances were sold in the first year alone. Remoska’s electricity consumption is one fifth of similar appliances, it is portable, it can be used for frying, heating, grilling, stewing, unfreezing and baking. Due to its usefulness, it has found its place in more than 5 million households.

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