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Topic: Surrealism (5 records)

Mikuláš Medek

Prominent Czech painter and one of the most important and original representatives of modern Czech art of the second half of the 20th century. His spiritual works influenced younger generations of Czech artists.

Josef Šíma

A prominent painter, illustrator, drawer and translator, the foremost representative of Czech Surrealism and a modern fine artist recognised in Europe.

Jindřich Štyrský

Painter and graphic artist, the most important representative of interwar avant-garde and Surrealism in Czech culture, co-founder of surrealist groups and of Artificialism (together with Toyen). He also worked as a photographer.

Karel Teige

Theoretician and aesthetician, a leading figure of Czech left Avant-Garde, sociologist of architecture, fine artist, literary critic, publicist and translator. He was a founder of Poetism and pioneered the acceptance of Surrealism.


The most famous Czech female painter and graphic artist, representative of European Surrealism, also acknowledged abroad (France). She was distinguished by her bohemian life style and longing for freedom, expressed in paintings with powerful eroticism.

Displaying 1 - 5 records
records out of 5

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