Czech costume designer and teacher, who lived in Slovakia. Granddaughter of Jan Evangelista Purkyně.
World-famous Czech theatre and film director. One of the founders of the multimedia theatre Laterna magika.
Czech mezzo-soprano singer who mostly performs in prestigious scenes abroad. She has worked with the most brilliant opera stars and conductors of the second half of the 20th century.
The first Czechoslovak cosmonaut and the first man in space coming from a country other than the Soviet Union or the USA. He also served as the ambassador of the Czech Republic in Russia.
Czech explorer, botanist, gardener and collector nicknamed “the orchid hunter” and “the king of orchids”.
One of the most luxurious haute couture companies of the first half of the 20th century on the territory of modern day Czech Republic, owned by Oldřich Rosenbaum.
Famous Czech-born fashion designer from New York, who designed clothes for wives of American presidents and Hollywood stars. Oldric Royce, born Oldřich Rosenbaum, managed one of the most important fashion salons in interwar Czechoslovakia.
Czech geologist, rock climber, adventurer, polar explorer and an internationally acknowledged scientist. In 1969, he became the first Czechoslovak to reach the South Pole.
Traveller and film maker. One of only two Czechoslovak women to travel around the world before the Second World War.
Czech football player who drew attention by his performance at the 1990 World Championship in Italy, which gave him a chance to play for Genoa C.F.C. His bohemian lifestyle significantly shortened his football career.
Czech explorer, adventurer, ethnographer, writer and documentarist, the honorary chief of the Kickapoo tribe.
Journalist and writer, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate dedicated primarily to the peace movement, active in supporting the rights of national minorities and women’s rights. She was a close associate of Alfred Nobel.
Internationally recognised scenographer and scenic designer. One of the founders of Laterna magika.
Exceptional dramatic dancer and an excellent dance teacher, the first person to dance the role of Juliet in Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet. After emigration, she taught dancing in Adelaide, Australia.
A prominent painter, illustrator, drawer and translator, the foremost representative of Czech Surrealism and a modern fine artist recognised in Europe.
Writer, screenwriter, essayist and publisher who founded with his wife the famous exile publishing company Sixty-Eight Publishers in Toronto. As a writer, he became famous primarily for his novel The Cowards (Zbabělci), banned by censorship soon after its release.
Cardinal, professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. One of the most important Czech theologians working in the Vatican and an acclaimed expert in eastern spirituality.
Painter and graphic artist, the most important representative of interwar avant-garde and Surrealism in Czech culture, co-founder of surrealist groups and of Artificialism (together with Toyen). He also worked as a photographer.
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