Picturesque hills in southern Moravia, known for many rock formations, a part of the Protected Landscape Area Pálava. It is characterised by unique nature and cultural monuments.
The fifth highest mountain in the Czech Republic and the highest mountain of Moravia and Silesia. It is popular with tourists. There is a television transmitter there with an observatory, which is the highest point in the Czech Republic in general.
Railway track built in 1868–1872 between the Smíchov and Jinonice railway stations in Prague. It was nicknamed after the Austrian mountain railway because of the difficult terrain and beautiful scenery.
The largest sandstone arch in Europe and a symbol of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park.
Westernmost peak more than 1,000 metres tall in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy mountain range. It has been connected with the mysterious Slavonic deity Radegast since ancient times. There is a Radegast sculpture there.
Unique biotope rich in flora and fauna, slowly disappearing due to river regulation. The largest riparian forests in the Czech Republic are located in lower Podyjí and in Litovelské Pomoraví.
Czech explorer, botanist, gardener and collector nicknamed “the orchid hunter” and “the king of orchids”.
A small town located in the Zlín Region. Its places of interest include the historic Masaryk Square, as well as the Wallachian Open Air Museum, the oldest and largest open air museum in Central Europe.
The most picturesque of Czech rivers, popular with paddlers and “tramps”. A right tributary of the Vltava.
Railway track running near the river Sázava, named by Czech hikers, whom the wild natural beauty of the local countryside reminded of the North American transcontinental track, the so-called Pacific. Sázava Pacific reached the peak of its glory in the interwar period, i.e. in the First Czechoslovak Republic.
One of the most popular precious metals. The town of Stříbro (“silver”) was named after it, as one of the oldest places in the Czech Republic where silver was mined; silver mining was recorded there as early as the 12th century.
The valley of the Šárka Brook in Prague. It has several parts, the most interesting of which is the part called Divoká Šárka due to its beautiful nature and the possibility of mountain climbing.
The largest and one of the most famous protected areas in the Czech Republic, popular with both foreign and Czech tourists, with a wide range of intact natural biotopes.
Territorial community of citizens who have the right to self-government. This right is based on the Constitution of the Czech Republic. Two kinds are recognised: municipalities, as basic units of self-government, and regions, as higher territorial self-government units.
Jewish ghetto functioning as a concentration camp, located in the town of Terezín (Theresienstadt) during the era of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The Nazis put Jewish inhabitants there before their transportation to extermination camps.
Beautiful area in southern Bohemia, known for its fishponds since long ago. It consists of large bodies of water and it is famous for a rich variety of water birds.
A large system of fishponds, built in the Třeboň region as early as the 14th century. Rožmberk, the largest fishpond in the Czech Republic, is a part of it.
Radioactive element known for its use in nuclear bombs and nuclear power stations. It used to be one of the most important strategic resources in socialist Czechoslovakia. It was mined in inhumane conditions by political prisoners.
The largest limestone quarry in the Bohemian Karst Protected Landscape Area, now disused. It is known as a popular filming location.
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